Professional's Choice Derby Bit Twisted Low Port The fixed cheek leverage bit is will suited for a finished horse. This shank creates lateral flexion and provides hip control, which allows the horse to maintain balance while keeping their shoulders elev
7" Byron Shanks. The seven-style shank prevents the horse form 'lipping' the bit. 5 1/4" mouth, 1 1/2" port. "The bits you will find in this Private Collection are replicas of some of the bits that many of the greatest bit makers of our time have created
Who this is best for: Those looking for the original long shank diamond bit from Sherri Cervi, but with a limited gag for horses that do not need the extra collection.
This shank is designed for the stronger horse who still need the flexibility of the gag cheek. The longer shank and gag action provides more poll pressure which encourages greater flexion and gives more control. The three piece twisted dog-bone mouthpiec
This 3" purchase and 3" shank makes this a true lifter bit by increasing leverage and shoulder control. Sloping shank softens and slows bit action to add control without intimidation.
A unique curve to the cheek as well as forward-set headstall rings and a backset curb chain attachment cause a quick reaction with lift and collection.